bond method for ball mill work index test

Determination Of The Bond Work Index Using An Ordinary ...

The work index of a particular material is determined in the laboratory by conducting the standard Bond grindability test. Bond developed separate tests for the rod mill and the ball mill. The simplified test method described in this paper, which is used at Anaconda Research Center to approximate the work index, is an alternative procedure to ...

P80 of Bond ball mill Work Index tests

The laboratory procedure for running a Bond ball mill work index test requires that the operator choose a closing screen sieve size. The instruction is to choose a sieve size that results in the ...

Standard Bond Ball Mill Grindability Test Method-Procedure

Here is the old Allis-Chalmers Bond Work Index Grindability Test Procedure. The standard feed is prepared by stage crushing to all passing a 6 mesh sieve, but finer feed can be used when necessary. It is screen analyzed and packed by shaking in a 1000-cc graduated cylinder, and the weight of 700 cc is placed in the mill and ground dry at 250 ...

Determination of Bond Work Index of Lucky Cement …

In this regard calculation of work index of limestone made by standard Bond grindability test. Ball mill was employed to conduct the grinding test of seven different samples. Among all seven samples collected from the different faces of quarry, Bond work index of limestone Face4A results less than 20kwh/t, remaining 6 samples are marked as hard -


The work index expresses the resistance of the material to grinding. It represents the kilowatt hours per tonne required to reduce the material from theoretically infinite feed size to 80 passing 100μm (Wills and Napierpercent -Munn, 2006). Bond devised several methods for predicting ball-mill and rod-mill energy requirements and

Technical Information - SMC Testing - SMC Test® Minerals ...

The results from conducting the SMC Test® are used to determine the so-called drop-weight index (DWi) which is a measure of the strength of the rock as well as the comminution indices Mia, Mih and Mic. In conjunction with the Bond ball mill work index they can be used to accurately predict the overall specific energy requirements of circuits ...

bond ball mill work index grindability tests

The Bond Ball Mill Work Index (BBWi) test is carried out in a standardised ball mill with a pre-defined media and ore charge. The Work Index calculated from the testing can be used in the design and analysis of ball mill circuits. The test requires a minimum …

The Effect of Circulating Load and Test Sieve Size on The ...

puritic ore, calculated Bond work index is higher with different circulating loads, the Bond work index is higher with lower circulating loads. The purpose of this study to determine the effects of circulating load (CL) and test sieve size (P;) on the Bond ball mill grindability (Ght,) and work index (W,) with natural amorphous silica.

Kinetic grinding approach procedure for BBWI calculation ...

The standard Bond method is the most acceptable method for designing and selecting ball/rod mills described by their basic parameter called work index (W-i).

SMC Test® Minerals Processing Comminution Testing - SMC ...

SMC Data Processing. The results from conducting the SMC Test® are used to determine the drop-weight index (DWi) which is a measure of the strength of the rock as well as the comminution indices Mia, Mih and Mic. In conjunction with the Bond ball mill work index they can be used to accurately predict the overall specific energy requirements of ...


Comparison of Bond ball mill work index values obtained by different methods used to conduct the test with Itabirite ore samples. Table 2. Bond ball mill work indices for iron ore samples Sample Bond ball mill work índex – Wib (kWh/t) No removal of fines With removal of fines Itabirite #1 (composite)* 22.4 (7.6) 14.5 (4.9)

Method of assessing ball mill health - SAGMILLING.COM

test. This isn't reported in a standard ball mill work index test, but the method of Levin, 1989, can be used to calculate a "Levin B value" which is the kW·h per revolution of a Bond laboratory ball mill. Dividing ball mill grindability (g of product/rev) by the Levin B (kWh/rev) gives the desired units of measurement (g/kWh).

A Method of C alculating Autogenous/ Semi-Autogenous ...

a method using Bond Indices than adding a single factor of 1.25 to arrive at the AG/SAG specifi c energy. In 1991 the Canadians developed the SAGPower Index (SPI), test using 2 kg of material in a 300 mm diameter mill. This test has been further developed by Starkey, Hindstrom and Orser (2006). This test now includes a Bond Ball mill work ...


The aim of this study was to develop a new method for assessing the Bond work index in a ball mill (BBWI), which is based on a first order kinetics present in the Bond ball mill for grinding mineral raw materials (Austin et al., 1981; Ahmadi and Shahsavari, 2009). Theoretical basis of quick procedure

Testing method for ball mills - Outokumpu Technology Oyj

In the second step of the testing method, the test is based on the Bond ball mill. The product from the first step is then used for determination of the required ball mill energy for the secondary grinding stage to reach the target grinding size. The empirical formula to calculate Bond Mill Work Index (BWi) is presented in the equation (2)

Test Method For Bond Ball Mill Work Index-ball Mill

Bonds Work Index Ball Mill. Bond method for ball mill work index test a bond ball mill work index test is a standard test for determining the ball mill work index of a sample of ore it was developed by fred bond in 1952 and modified in 1961 jkmrc co 2006this index is widely used in the mineral industry for comparing the resistance of different materials to ball milling for estimating the ...

Ball mill work index adjustment - SAGMILLING.COM

The precise method used to do the adjustment is based on Josephin & Doll (2018). Several Bond ball mill grindability tests were conducted using the New Afton ore sample. The Specific Energy Consumption (E) is computed for each test using both the methods of Bond and Morrell.

Bond Index Ball Mill / Rod Mill BT 100 XL - RETSCH

The grinding jar for the Bond Index Rod Mill is 12″ x 24″ in size and has a wave-shaped design. At least 15 to 20 kg sample material is required to simulate a closed grinding circuit in a ball or rod mill. The Rod Mill Work Index (RWI) is used for particle size determination in a size range from 25 mm down to 2.1 mm whereas Ball Mill Work ...

Comminution testing - JKTech - University of Queensland

An improved method using less mass compared to the Bond Ball Mill Work Index test. The JK Bond Ball Mill (JKBBM) test, is a locked cycle grindability test conducted using a standard laboratory Bond Ball Mill with the same steel ball charge and material feed size ( passing 3.35 mm) as the Bond Ball Mill Work Index test.

Bond Work Index Procedure and Method

This Grindability Test or Bond Ball Mill Work Index Procedure is used to determine the Bond Work Index of minus six mesh or finer feed ore samples. These …

Correction of Bond Ball Mill Work Index Test for Closing ...

The test work program was carried out on those five ore samples obtained from the copper-porphyry orebodies. Total of 38 Bond work index tests, including duplicates, were done. Standard Bond ball mill test procedure were carried out on …

(PDF) Rapid determination of Bond rod-mill work index by ...

The exper- method, the t-test is performed on work index values by the two iment results confirm that the introduced method is a rapid and methods in respect of the standard Bond method. Tables 3 and 4 accurate method to determine the Bond rod-mill work index.

20150821 Morrell Method-GMG-ICE-v01-r01 Morrell method …

ization data generated from the SMC Test® (see Annex A) and the Bond Ball Mill Test Work Index (WiBM; GMG, 2016a), and the Morrell equations and their application (see Annex B). A worked example is provided in Annex C. 5. SCOPE The Morrell method can be used to predict the specific energy of comminution circuits, where such circuits include

Bond Work Index Tests - Grinding Solutions Ltd

The Bond Ball Mill Work Index (BBWi) test is carried out in a standardised ball mill with a pre-defined media and ore charge. The Work Index calculated from the testing can be used in the design and analysis of ball mill circuits. The test requires a minimum of 10kg of sample that has been stage-crushed to passing size of <3.35 mm.

Bond Work Index - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics

The ability to simulate the Bond work index test also allows examination of truncated ball mill feed size distributions on the work index. For grinding circuits where the feed to a ball mill is sent directly to the classifier and the cyclone underflow feeds the ball mill (see Figure 3.10), a question arises as to whether this practice will alter the ball mill work index (BW i) of the material ...

[PDF] A quick method for Bond work index approximate value ...

The Bond work index is a measure of ore resistance to crushing and grinding and is determined using the Bond grindability test. Its value constitutes ore characteristic and is used for industrial comminution plants designing. Determining the Bond work index value is quite complicated, timeconsuming and requires trained operating personnel and therefore is subjected to errors. A quick method ...

20150505 Bond Efficiency-GMG-ICE-v1-r04 Determining the ...

Where, WioACTis the Actual Operating Bond Work Index (kWh/t), W is the specific energy input (kWh/t), P80 is the 80% passing size of product (µm), and F80 is the 80% passing size of circuit feed (µm). 2. Calculate the Standard Circuit Bond Work Index (WiSTD) for …


Correction of Bond Ball Mill Work Index Test for Closing Mesh Sizes It is commonly known that one must run the Bond ball mill work index test such you pick a …

(PDF) A quick method for bond work index approximate value ...

A quick procedure with two grinding cycles for the determination of the Bond. work index approximate value is exactly the same as in the first two grinding cycles of. the standard Bond test and ...


Bond Test WI's (kWh/t): Rod Mill: Ball Mill: 9.5 kWh/t.8 9 kWh/t . Bond Standard Circuit Work Index: Assume the rod mill Work Index of 9.5 applies from the actual rod mill feed sizeof 19,300 mµ (although some of this work might ideally be done by crushers to achieve a rod mill F80 of 16,000 m) to a rod µ

bond ball mill work index clinker

Bond Work Index Procedure and Method. This Grindability Test or Bond Ball Mill Work Index Procedure is used to determine the Bond Work Index of minus six mesh or finer feed ore samples. These equation application methods are used to process 1/2″ ore samples in a Ball Mill using a standard ball charge.. Below describes in general ...

Bond Work Index (BWI) Test — Celtest

Bond Work Index (BWI) Test. Celtest have the capability to carry out the Bond Work Index (BWI) Test in accordance with EPRI Report CS3612 : FGD Chemistry and Analytical Method Handbook, Volume 2 . The BWI is used to estimate the required mill power per ton of product (Specific Energy). The specific energy requirements and the desired production ...